Wir liefern professionelle Übersetzungen

für verschiedene Fachgebiete


Um fachterminologische Übersetzungen professionell durchführen zu können, arbeiten wir eng mit einer großen Bandbreite an Spezialisten aus den unterschiedlichsten Fachbereichen zusammen. Terminologie-Spezialisten erstellen fachspezifische Terminologie-Glossare und prüfen Übersetzungen mit entsprechender Fachterminologie auf Genauigkeit und Fehlerfreiheit.
Folgende Fachgebiete sind besonders gefragt:
  • Automobilindustrie
  • Business 
  • Chemie
  • Wirtschaft
  • Elektronik
  • Maschinenbau
  • EU-Projekte
  • Computerspiele
  • Allgemeines
  • Geisteswissenschaften
  • Hydraulik- und Ölindustrie
  • Informationstechnologien
  • Recht
  • Marketing/Werbung
  • Medizin/Medizintechnik
  • Pharmazeutika
  • Software-Lokalisierung und Testdurchführungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Transportwesen
Let´s speak English and
learn more about our experiences in following

case studies

Task: Translation and Proofreading of Conference Materials
Client: A global brewer, with leading positions all around the world.
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Hungarian
Volume: 45,000 words, ongoing
The client required translation and proofreading of a large volume of conference materials. Registration forms and letters of invitation, conference program, a number of presentations with company economic results etc. had to be localized within a matter of months. Before cooperation started ACP Traductera did a trial translation for the client to prove the quality of its services, accuracy and reliability.
Task:  Translation of call center operator script
Client: Leading hardware manufacturer.
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Hungarian, Russian, Polish
Volume: 7,500 words per language
The client required translation and proofreading of a large volume of conference materials. Registration forms and letters of invitation, conference program, a number of presentations with company economic results etc. had to be localized within a matter of months. Before cooperation started ACP Traductera did a trial translation for the client to prove the quality of its services, accuracy and reliability.
Task:  Translation of Operating Manual of Printing Quality Controller
Client: Leading manufacturer of printing machinery
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Latvian
Volume: 95,774 words per language + 200 hours of DTP works
The main challenge of the project was to provide our client with a high quality translation of the operating manual for the printing machine in a required format. The source text had to be preprocessed because individual source sentences were initially divided into several cells and this issue didn’t allow Trados to work with repetitions and matches properly. Translators had to follow strict instructions regarding terminology. CAT tool: TRADOS.
Task: Translation and independent review of a catalogue of various kinds of bearings
Client: Leading supplier of semiconductor, compound semiconductor, scientific instrumentation, chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgy and research and development
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Bulgarian
Volume: 14,000 words per language
The client required translation of a catalogue of bearings where there were not only technical specifications of the bearings but also information about the producer and short promotion texts. Client required the translations to be independent reviewed because they wanted another pair of experienced eyes to have a look at the translations. CAT tool: Trados.
Task: Translation of operation manual for a scrubber dryer
Client: Manufacturer of indoor and outdoor cleaning solutions and specialty floor coatings
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Slovenian, Slovak
Volume: 7,700 words per target language
The client required translation of an operation manual for a scrubber dryer where machine data, safety instructions, machine components, machine installation and other important information were contained. ACP Traductera was given already created translation memory and reference materials in pdf files. Before translation process all translators had to study the reference materials provided to become familiar with appropriate terminology.
European Union
Task: Provision of services relating to translation texts in the medical and pharmaceutical field
Client: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
Source Language: English
Target Languages: BG, CS, HU, LV, PL, RO, SK, SL
Volume: 7,700 words per target language
ACP Traductera, with its team of highly experienced and educated translators and project managers, had to pass through the rigorous selection procedures applied by the EU institutions, and the result of such thorough preparation was that we were awarded several contracts with the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union.
Task: Provision of texts in the field of general affairs
Client: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
Source Language: Bulgarian
Target Languages: English
Task: Material Safety Data Sheets
Client: Leading producer of chemical materials
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech
Volume: 26,000 words
The assignment for this project was to translate specialized text – chemical material safety data sheets – and to create an accurate translation memory from this translation project.
Task: Translation and independent review of the international accounting system
Client: Czech company expanding on the international market
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech
Volume: 285,932 words
The main assignment was to provide our client with the translation of the complete international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards International Accounting Standards (IAS). This document contains all the rules regarding accounting of private companies as well as public companies. The document has over 700 pages about rules for profit and loss report, balance sheet, cash flow, final accounts, investments, audits, etc.
Task: Review of the of law system in Slovenia
Client: Translation Centre for the Bodies of EU
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech
Volume: 285,932 words
„The client required the review of a large volume regarding the organisation of law in Slovenia. This document contained information about the court system, mediation in the Member State of the EU – Slovenia, business registers, land registers, insolvency registers, system of sworn translations and interpreting, costs of proceedings, family law (divorce, child alimony, etc), and commercial law (contracts, responsibility, etc).
This document contained all the rules regarding the Slovenian legal system, with over 120 pages, and had to be reviewed to the highest quality standards in a short time. CAT tool: TRADOS.“
Task: Localization of marketing materials
Client: International publishing house
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech
Volume: 10,000 words
Client required a high quality localization of marketing materials which would appropriately support a launch of its new publication dealing with prohibited advertising methods in the Czech Republic. The materials contained references to foreign legal regulations.
Task: Translation and independent review of marketing materials of the hotel
Client: International hotel consortium
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Russian
Volume: 278,472 words
The main assignment was to provide our client with translation of all the marketing materials like catalogues various leaflets and web sites as well.
The deadline was very short, so we have to setup a team of three translators, who work together and share one translation memory on – line.
Task: Surgical Device Manuals
Client: Leading producer of highly specialized Surgical Equipment – Surgical tables, pumps and other equipment
Source Language: German
Target Languages: Estonian, Slovenian, Lithuanian
Volume: 259,623 words
The main assignment for this project was to translate extensive .ttx files containing the manual for a highly specialized piece of surgical equipment and to create an accurate translation memory from this translation project which would contain the binding terminology for future projects for this customer. The project is still ongoing.
Task: Translation and localization of healthcare device user guides
Client: Leading producer of watches, alarm clocks and healthcare devices
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Slovak
Volume: 13,500 words per language
This order involved coordinating the translation and DTP of seven healthcare device user guides into two languages within a three-day delivery period. The source files were delivered in pdf format. The text, which related to heart rate monitors, was translated using Trados Workbench by translators with technical translation experience and reviewed by a medical specialist.
Task: Business Machines Control Software
Client: Leading international producer of business machines
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech
Volume: 40,000 words
The main assignment was to provide our client with translation of driver software. This project contained several file formats and required us to follow strict instructions regarding the terminology. CAT tool: Trados
Task: Translation and revision of in-gaming descriptions for leading mobile games publisher
Client: The client is a leading interactive entertainment company, specialised in the creation of casual games for mobile devices and for social networks. The client has developed over 100 game titles for several different countries and has 350 million unique players.
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Croatian, Romanian
Volume: 1,500 words in translation and 19,000 words in revision
The client required translation and revision mainly of in-game text descriptions. We worked on seven similar projects for the client. In all cases, the translated text was in DOCX or XLSX format. The client’s requirements were predominantly in the translation and revision of in-game quotes, text labels, gaming buttons and notes.
Task: Translation of game descriptions for a leading interactive entertainment company
Client: The company is a worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of leisure time products for various devices such as consoles, handheld devices or PCs.
Source Language: English
Target Languages: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian
Volume: 2,720 words
The client frequently required translation of short/long product descriptions, product sale texts, descriptions and sale texts DLCs, as well as XBOX360 Marketing string descriptions. In all cases, the translated text was in XLSX format. The client’s requirements focused mainly on the translation of descriptions of the newest computer games and DLCs for varied platforms. CAT tool: Trados