A satisfaction rate of 98.5% with our translations in 2016

 In Company news

Each year we ask our clients if they are satisfied with our services.
In our latest survey, carried out at the end of last year, feedback from our clients told us that 98.5% of them are either satisfied or very satisfied. We have seen similar results (very close to 100% satisfaction) consistently over the past four years! We are very proud of this.

Clients also evaluated our:

–  ability to meet deadlines (100% satisfaction)

–  our software and hardware equipment (100% satisfaction)

–  availability, willingness, professionalism and language skills of our project managers (evaluated mostly as ‘very good’).

Clients, who we have worked with for more than one year, indicated their satisfaction of our mutual cooperation – they evaluated it as the same or better.

Some comments from our satisfaction survey:

“Always on time with delivery, the project manager is always helpful, very responsive with queries/changes!”

“Great translations and wonderful staff!”

“Quick delivery, excellent quality.”

“You always reply quickly and provide a wide range of services. You offer a very reliable service.”

“I am very satisfied with the cooperation. The project managers are all very skilled, helpful and friendly. It feels like they always do their very best and see solutions, rather than problems.”

Prize draw:

We did a prize draw in our office and one of our respondents won an Apple Watch. The lucky winner, Siobhán Fay, Project Manager from Context, Ireland, commented on our services:

“I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Traductera over the last two years. I have found the project managers to be polite, friendly and very helpful, Eva has been our main point of contact and she has been a pleasure to deal with. I would highly recommend Traductera for their translations due to the high quality and efficient service we have received to date.”

satisfanction survey


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