Did you celebrate International Translation Day?

 In Blog, Uncategorized

International Translation Day has been celebrated on September 30 for decades, and coincides with the feast day of St. Jerome, the patron saint of translators, librarians and encyclopedists.


In 2017, International Translation Day received worldwide attention when the United Nations passed resolution 71/288 recognizing the last day of September as a day to specifically focus on the work that translators and interpreters do to facilitate communication. As the resolution states, it is a day that provides “an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of language professionals [playing] an important role in bringing nations together, facilitating dialogue, understanding and cooperation, contributing to development and strengthening world peace and security.” The resolution recognizes the influence that language professionals have on “positive international public discourse and interpersonal communication.”*


At ACP Traductera we celebrate International Translation Day every year! This year’s celebration obviously had to be different from previous ones due to the health restrictions.

Our amazing HR and IT department took this opportunity to make a safe celebration event for us! We were invited to watch a movie about Traductera Man starring our IT & Facility Manager and HR Manager 🙂

It was great fun! We all received an amazing Traductera Man T-shirt as a thank you for our work for ACP Traductera. You can see in the picture!

*Source: https://multilingual.com/celebrating-translators-and-interpreters-international-translation-day-2019/

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