Game Localization – spreading the fun across Europe

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Game Localization – spreading the fun across Europe

If you’re looking for experts in game localization for the European market, then congratulations –  you’ve come to the right place. ACP Traductera has game localization experts in almost every part of Europe.

 It’s official – over 80% of gamers prefer games in their own language.

A Czech online gaming magazine recently published details of its reader questionnaire. One of the questions was: Is important to you that games are in the Czech language?

From a huge 15,034 respondents, the results were as follows:

I welcome games in the Czech language as I’m not fluent in English:        6,924 (46%)

I prefer Czech although I understand English very well:                                 5,341 (36%)

I prefer English even though Czech is available:                                                 2,769 (18%)


Source:; 2020-05-15

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